
To add it in personal projects, the first step is to add a specific requirement in the composer.json of the project package:

"require": {
    // other libraries
    // ...
    "comodojo/comodojo-installer" : "^1.0"

The same file should include a specific configuration section in the extra field like:

"extra": {
    "comodojo-installer": {
        "package-types": [
        "global-config": {
            "extra-field": "comodojo-configuration",
            "persistence": "\\Comodojo\\Installer\\Persistence\\YamlPersistence",
            "params": {
                "config-file": "config/comodojo-configuration.yml",
                "depth": 6
        "package-extra": {
            "routes": {
                "driver": "\\Comodojo\\Installer\\Drivers\\RouteDriver",
                "persistence": "\\Comodojo\\Installer\\Persistence\\YamlPersistence",
                "params": {
                    "config-file": "config/comodojo-routes.yml"

More details about configuration statements are availble in general-configuration.


To work properly, comodojo/comodojo-installer requires PHP >=5.6.0 and composer-plugin-api > 1.0