The event system

Dispatcher has an integrated event’s system that can be used to extend its features by plugins.

When a client calls dispatcher, request, route and response are modeled as objects and provided to the callback function hooked to relative event.

Dispatcher starts to emit events as soon as a request is received.

Let’s consider an example:

global $dispatcher;

function custom_404($ObjectError) {

    $error_page = file_get_contents(DISPATCHER_REAL_PATH."vendor/comodojo/dispatcher.plugin.test/resources/html/404.html");


    return $ObjectError;


$dispatcher->addHook("dispatcher.error.404", "custom_404");

In this example, a plugin will set a custom content in default 404 error page by:

  • catching event “dispatcher.error.404”;
  • replacing error content using “setContent()” method;
  • returning to framework the modified object.

How dispatcher emits events

By default, dispatcher uses this schema to emit events:


In practice:

  • [framework] will always be populated by the string dispatcher;
  • [event] represents the event macroclass; possible values are request, routingtable, serviceroute, result, route, redirect or error.
  • [notification|marker] is a detailed view of what is happening; it can assume different values, like HTTP return codes (like 404 in the previous example for a “not found” response.

There are also two special category of events:

  • start event (dispatcher), that will fire at framework startup;
  • markers, fired to express a particular condition (like # that denote the end of specific event’s macroclass).

Each type of event expects the callback to return a particular kind of object. If something different is provided, callback’s result will be discarded.


If a single event is hooked to multiple callbacks, it will behave as a chain: the first result (if any) will be the input of the second callback and so on.

Sone examples are:

  • dispatcher.serviceroute - a level 2 event that expose the route retrieved for the current request
  • dispatcher.error.404 - a level 3 event for a not found response
  • dispatcher.result.# - a level 3 event that fires after every other callback

The complete event list

  • dispatcher receive a request

    • dispatcher - marks the frameworks has entered the running cycle and exposes the whole ComodojoDispatcherDispatcher instance without expecting any return value
  • Request is modeled as an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRequestObjectRequest

    • dispatcher.request - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRequestObjectRequest
    • dispatcher.request.[METHOD] - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRequestObjectRequest
    • dispatcher.request.[SERVICE] - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRequestObjectRequest
    • dispatcher.request.# - provides a ComodojoDispatcherObjectRequestObjectRequest, will fire after every other callback discarding returned data
  • An instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRoutingTableObjectRoutingTable is created

    • dispatcher.routingtable - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRoutingTableObjectRoutingTable
  • A route was retrieved from routingtable

    • dispatcher.serviceroute - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRouteObjectRoute
    • dispatcher.serviceroute.[TYPE] - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRouteObjectRoute
    • dispatcher.serviceroute.[SERVICE] - provides and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectRouteObjectRoute
    • dispatcher.serviceroute.# - provides a ComodojoDispatcherObjectRouteObjectRoute, will fire after every other callback and discarding returned data
  • Once a route is retrieved, dispatcher will run a service, redirect to another location or return an error; in any case, a result object that implements the ComodojoDispatcherObjectResultObjectResultInterface is inited, provided to the callback and expected as result.

    • dispatcher.result

    • In case of success

      • dispatcher.route
      • dispatcher.route.[STATUSCODE]
    • In case of redirect

      • dispatcher.redirect
      • dispatcher.redirect.[STATUSCODE]
    • In case of error

      • dispatcher.error
      • dispatcher.error.[STATUSCODE]
    • dispatcher.result.# will fire after every other callback and expects an instance of ComodojoDispatcherObjectResultObjectResultInterface

  • result is returned to client