
Comodojo dispatcher could be installed via composer, using dedicated dispatcher.project package.


To work properly, dispatcher requires an apache webserver with PHP >=5.3.0, installed as apache module or cgi/fastcgi.

It may work on different webservers like nginx (ensure to convert the .htaccess logic if you plan to use rewrite mode), but this is actually untested.

Installing via composer

First install composer, then create a new dispatcher.project using this command:

php composer.phar create-project comodojo/dispatcher.project dispatcher

This will install a new instance of dispatcher and required dependencies in “dispatcher” folder.

If you need also default content and tests, install the package:

php composer.phar require comodojo/dispatcher.servicebundle.default

## Downloading as archive

Stable releases are published on

To install, download latest package and type (in the package folder):

php composer.phar install