Defining commands

Every command that econtrol provides is an independent, parametrizable PHP script. The extender.commandsbundle.default package contains basic commands used to interact with the framework.

Commands can be defined by user into the EXTENDER_COMMAND_FOLDER or packed in bundles and installed directly via composer.

Writing additional commands

A command is essentially a class that implements the ComodojoExtenderCommandCommandInterface. The ComodojoExtenderCommandAbstractCommand abstract class can be useful to avoid common methods definition (is, essentially, a trait defined as a class for compatibility reasons).


Take a look at the api to know all the method that your command should implement.

Supposing to extend the ComodojoExtenderCommandAbstractCommand class, a command should only implement the execute() method.

Let’s take an “hello world” example.:

<?php namespace My\Command;

class HelloWorldCommand extends \Comodojo\Extender\Command\AbstractCommand {

    public function execute() {

        // the getOption() method can be used to retrieve options provided to the command
        $test = $this->getOption("test");

        // same for the arguments, with getArgument()
        $to = $this->getArgument("to");

        $to = is_null($to) ? "World" : $to;

        // the color object can be used to add colors to command's output
        return $this->color->convert("\n%gHello " . $to . "!%n");



Once defined, a command should be registered into the framework. The extender-commands.yaml file can be used for this purpose.

The format is the following:

  package: none
    class: My\Command\HelloWorldCommand
    description: Greetings from comodojo extender
      - hw
        short_name: -t
        long_name: --test
        action: StoreTrue
        description: Void command option
        choices: [ ]
        multiple: false
        optional: true
        description: hello to...


Extender relies from pear/console_commandline package to handle command line operations. Take a look at package` documentation`_ to know more.

Command Bundles

Creating a bundle of commands is quite easy.

First, let’s take a look at the (proposed) directory structure of a package:

    - commands/
        - helloworkcommand.php
        - customcommand.php
    - composer.json

Commands’ classes should be autoloaded (using composer); in addition, something should be written in extender-commands-config.php file. The project package does all the job automatically using extra field of composer.json.

To enable this feature, the package’s type should be declared as extender-commands-bundle or comodojo-bundle and the extra field should contain a comodojo-commands-register or (preferably) a extender-command-register subfield.

So, the composer.json of mybundle package will be something like:

    "name": "my/mybundle",
    "description": "My first commands bundle",
    "type": "extender-commands-bundle",
    "extra": {
        "extender-command-register": {
            "helloworld": {
                "class": "My\\Command\\Helloworld",
                "description": "Greetings from comodojo extender",
                "aliases": ["hw"],
                "options": {
                    "force": {
                        "short_name": "-t",
                        "long_name": "--test",
                        "action": "StoreTrue",
                        "description": "Void command option"
                "arguments": {
                    "to": {
                        "choices": {},
                        "multiple": false,
                        "optional": true,
                        "description": "hello to..."
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
             "My\\Command\\": "commands"

Once installed, every should be in place to exec those commands using:

./econtrol.php helloworld Marvin